
How To Clean House With Cat Worms

Worms are a common parasite that almost all cats will experience at some indicate in their lifetime. The most prevalent intestinal worms to infect cats are roundworms, hookworms and tapeworms. These parasitic worms live in the gastrointestinal tract where they feed on nutrients that pass through the cat or in the case of hookworms, they attach to the intestinal wall and feed on the cat's blood.

Intestinal worms bear the risk of zoonotic affliction, that is, they tin can potentially infect humans.

How do cats become worms?

Each worm has its own mode of transmission, but all worms accept evolved highly effective means to infect their new host. Parasite eggs pass out of the body via the cat's stool, from there they have different modes of infection. Adult cats, especially those who chase are at increased hazard, however, indoor cats can take hold of worms as eggs or infected true cat fleas can exist brought into the house on shoes or clothing.



The true cat flea acts every bit an intermediate host in the tapeworm (dipylidium canium) life wheel. As the cat grooms, he or she ingests an infected flea, in one case within the alimentary canal, the flea breaks downwards, and the tapeworm is released where it matures into an adult. The adult tapeworm is made up of a chain of segments, each of which is self-sufficient and complete with male and female reproductive organs. Mature segments full of fertilised eggs (proglottids), disassemble from the tapeworm and pass out of the cat's body via the feces. Pet owners may notice proglottids around the anus of cats, which have the appearance of grains of rice. Once in the environment, the proglottid desiccates, and the eggs are released. Flea larvae feed on the tapeworm eggs (which look like sesame seeds), ingest the infective larvae which remain with the flea into adulthood. If the cat has a flea infestation, there is a high gamble he or she also has tapeworm.

Cats tin likewise develop taenia taeniaeformis tapeworm from eating rodents infected with tapeworm larvae.



Roundworm infections (toxocariasis) are the most common gastrointestinal parasites in cats. The ii roundworm species to infect cats are Toxocara cati and Toxascaris leonina.

Infection tin occur via ingestion of infective roundworm eggs in the environment where they can remain viable for months or years, by ingesting prey infected with encysted roundworms in their tissues, or via the mother's milk.

About adult roundworms live in the gastrointestinal tract of their host. When the cat ingests embryonated eggs, they hatch in the intestine, penetrate the intestinal wall, and migrate through the liver to the lungs. From there they enter the alveoli and travel up the airways. Larvae in the pharynx are swallowed and reach the intestines again where they mature into adults, mate and release their eggs. A single roundworm can lay up to 200,000 eggs a day. Roundworm eggs are not immediately infective, but accept two-four weeks to achieve third-phase larvae (L3), at which point they become infective if ingested.

If an adult ingests roundworm larvae, some may penetrate the intestinal wall simply fail to migrate to the lungs. Instead, they travel to tissues and organs and become dormant hypobiotic larvae. Pregnancy can re-activate these encysted roundworms which migrate to the mammary glands and laissez passer into the kittens via breast milk.


Hookworms in cats

The hookworm (Ancylostoma ceylanicum, A. braziliense, A. tubaeforme and Uncinaria stenocephala) tin infect cats in a number of ways.

  • Pare penetration (percutaneous): When a cat comes into contact with an environs infected with hookworm larvae which can penetrate the pare, from there, they migrate to the intestine where they mature.
  • Ingestion or inhalation: Cats tin can also become infected by ingesting infective third-stage larvae of uncinaria in the surroundings, during preparation or via contaminated water and nutrient.
  • In utero: Worm eggs may exist passed on from the female parent to her unborn puppies via the placenta. It hasn't been established if this is the case with feline hookworms yet.
  • Transmammary: It is possible to pass hookworm to puppies via breast milk, just information technology is not known if kittens can become infected the same style. When a dog becomes infected with hookworms most of them drift to the minor intestine. However, some enter other tissues of the body, where they remain dormant for years. During pregnancy, they reactivate, migrate to the mammary glands and out through the milk.

Cleaning a house afterward cat worms

Decontamination is essential to prevent reinfection or manual to humans. Most worm eggs are resistant to chemical disinfection such every bit bleach. Their sticky outer coating makes them difficult to remove from surfaces, and eggs can survive for years under the right weather. The only constructive way to kill parasitic worm eggs is with extreme heat or steam.


  • Rubber gloves
  • Face mask
  • Dishwashing detergent
  • Saucepan
  • Warm water (for detergent)
  • Boiling water
  • Sponge, with a scourer
  • Newspaper towels
  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Steam cleaner


Always wearable rubber gloves and a confront mask (preferably N95) when handling litter trays and decontaminating the home.

  • Wash all cat bedding, human bedding, throws, and cushion covers in hot h2o and hang outside in the sun to dry. Be careful not to shake blankets or sheets to avoid spreading worm eggs into the air.
  • Vacuum the home thoroughly including underneath furniture, and along skirting boards.
  • Scrub all hard surfaces (floors, kitchen benches) with hot soapy water to dislodge worm eggs and remove as much organic debris as possible. Pay attention to areas the cat likes to hang out such as sleeping spots, litter trays and nutrient bowls.
  • Completely empty litter boxes and scrub with warm water and detergent. Pour humid water into the litter tray and litter tray scoops and allow information technology to sit for ten minutes.
  • Scrub rubber or plastic cat toys and soak in boiling h2o for ten minutes.

How to remove the vomit or feces of a cat with worms

Cats with heavy worm infections can pass roundworms in their vomit or stool which is an alarming sight for most of us.

Difficult surfaces:

  • Lightly mist the vomit or feces to avoid stirring up droppings.
  • Wear rubber gloves and employ paper towels or erstwhile newspapers to clean as much of the vomit or carrion as you lot tin. Place it into a plastic bag and dispose of information technology in the exterior garbage.
  • If the vomit or feces was old and has dried, spray with detergent and let to sit on the stain for 5 to ten minutes to soften it. Fill a bucket with hot, soapy water and use a damp sponge to scrub the expanse. Rinse and echo. Blot dry with paper towels. Dispose of the sponge and paper towels in the garbage.

Soft furnishings:

  • Remove as much vomit or fecal matter as y'all tin can with paper towels showtime.
  • Use a suitable carpet or upholstery cleaner to remove the remainder of the stain. Always follow instructions on the packaging. If you don't have carpet or upholstery cleaner, spray with household cleaner or detergent, and scrub the expanse well, blotting periodically and scrubbing again. Utilise newspaper towels to remove any remaining moisture.
  • In one case the area has been cleaned, steam clean to kill any eggs which may have contaminated the area.

Signs of worms in cats

Adult cats are ofttimes asymptomatic unless they are kittens or heavily infested. Mutual symptoms of worms include weight loss, pot-bellied advent, unkempt glaze and stunted growth in young kittens. Farthermost cases may also have roundworms in the vomit or feces.

Tin humans catch worms from cats?

Humans can catch roundworms from cats, however, the roundworm species that most commonly affect cats (Toxocara cati and Toxascaris leonina) tin can't go past stage 3 development. Larvae migrate through the pare (cutaneous larva migrans) and can move to diverse tissues in the body (visceral larva migrans), including the lungs, encephalon, eyes, and liver. Larvae tin remain live for many months, causing inflammation as they drift through the tissues.

  • Cutaneous larva migrans (CLM): Larvae penetrate the skin and drift under the pare surface causing itchy red
  • Ocular larva migrans (OLM): The larvae enter the eye, which leads to an inflammatory and damage to impairment to the eye; in severe cases, blindness.
  • Visceral larva migrans (VLM): The larvae drift to the various organs and cause an (inflammatory allowed response), which leads to impairment.

Reducing the risk of transmission

Prevention is e'er better than cure and households with pets should ever do routine measures to reduce the risk of parasitic worm manual.

  • Cover sandboxes when non in use.
  • Remove urine and cat carrion from the litter tray on a daily basis. Once a calendar week, litter trays should exist emptied, scrubbed, disinfected with a weak bleach solution (allow to sit for ten minutes and rinse), and re-filled with fresh litter.
  • Discard dirty cat litter in the outside bin. Practise not put on gardens, especially not where food is grown.
  • Regularly treat all cats and dogs for abdominal worms and fleas. Veterinarian deworming medications are a much more than constructive handling than over the counter products.
  • Ever wash hands with warm soapy water afterwards cleaning litter trays, cat bedding and animals.
  • Discourage your cat from defecating in the garden by providing acceptable litter trays within the abode. As a dominion, at that place should be one litter tray per true cat, plus one extra. If the cat does become to the toilet outside, remove feces where possible.
  • Always wear shoes when exterior if at that place is any chance a cat or dog has defecated in the area.

Frequently asked questions

Can I touch my true cat if he or she has worms?

You can touch your cat every bit long as he or she has been recently treated for worms and e'er wash your hands afterward.

Can true cat worms live in the rug?

Adult worms cannot live in the carpet, but worm eggs tin can survive in the surround (including carpet) for months or years. This highlights the importance of thoroughly cleaning the house, including steam cleaning carpets and rugs.

What dwelling remedy can I use to deworm my cat?

There are no safety or constructive domicile remedies. The only manner to kill intestinal worms is with a veterinarian-canonical medication.


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